
MALAWI – Solar panels set up at women’s vocational school

Students at the Light of Hope vocational school in front of the new solar system

With the financial support of the Umckaloabo Foundation, the Light Of Hope vocational center for young women near the Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi was able to put up a solar grid.

SWITZERLAND/USA - Bianca Lerch swimming for our "School in Africa"

Bianca Lerch in her swimming outfit.

Bianca Lerch from Switzerland took part in the Odyssey Alcatraz Swim and raised €4,500 in donations for our "School in Africa" 2023.

MALAWI – Excellent final diplomas and honey from the school hives

Graduates of the St. Ignatius Secondary School in Malawi

Numerous graduates of St. Ignatius Secondary School in Nthalire are able to study at a public university thanks to their excellent results. Your sponsorships have also contributed to this!

KARLSRUHE - Father John Moyo visits Germany

Father John Moyo from Malawi visiting Germany

In the course of a longer trip to Germany, Pastor John Moyo came to Karlsruhe in late June 2023 and enthusiastically raised awareness about different educational projects in Malawi.

MALAWI – St. Ignatius School received new desks and beds

A student sits on one of the new beds at St. Ignatius boarding school in Nthalire.

Thanks to a joint project between the Umckaloabo Foundation and the organization “BILD – Ein Herz für Kinder,” two new classrooms were equipped at St. Ignatius Secondary School in Malawi.

ETTLINGEN - KJG raises €12,900 in donations for our "School in Africa"

Father John Moyo receives a donation from the catholic youth organization KJG

KJG raises €12,900 in donations for our "School in Africa" 2023 at its annual running event.

MALAWI – Emergency aid for flood victims

Employees of the Mlambe Hospital in Malawi accept donations of medicines

The Umckaloabo Foundation has provided €30,000 as emergency aid for Malawi after the tropical storm Freddy swept over southern Africa in March.

SOUTH AFRICA - Travel with a purpose for Foundation volunteers

Students at Ekuphumleni Secondary School in South Africa

Dedicated employees from Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy were able to travel to South Africa to get to know projects supported by the Umckaloabo Foundation

SOUTH AFRICA – 10,000 Euros for Children in Distress

Siblings without parents in South Africa

Every weekday, some 3,000 children and adolescents eat a warm meal with Children in Distress.